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Stationary Bike Vs. Treadmill

Chris L.
March 12, 2021

While both stationary bikes and treadmills are two of the most popular pieces of home gym equipment in the market, which is the right choice for you? We've compared the two machines and looked at construction, performance, and accessories to see which is the better choice in 2021!

Stationary Bike Overview

On a regular bike, you have to contend with traffic, pedestrians, and the weather. With a stationary model, you can get a great workout from the comfort of your home. These machines are roughly the same size as a bike, allowing you to pedal in a variety of programs.

Treadmill Overview

When most people think of cardio, they think of walking or running. With a treadmill, you can do precisely that regardless of what the weather's like outside. They're great for people who truly want to simulate an outside experience but want greater control over things like speed and inclines.

Construction Comparison: Stationary Bike Vs. Treadmill

Stationary Bike

This machine operates similarly to an ordinary bike. You sit on a cushioned seat, move your legs using the pedals, and check out your stats using the console in front of you. You can typically alter the resistance levels using a knob, but some models allow you to do so digitally.


A treadmill comes with a belt you can adjust the speed on, allowing you to walk, jog, or run at whatever's most comfortable for you. Belts can range in size, so you need to ensure you get one that's long enough for you to have the best stride. Due to their larger size, treadmills often accommodate more features on the console, including speakers, USB ports, and water bottle holders.

Performance Comparison: Stationary Bike Vs. Treadmill

Stationary Bike

A bike's speed is entirely dependent on how fast you pedal. You can generally alter the resistance level to push yourself harder. With this, you primarily focus on muscles in your legs.


Treadmills offer a more comprehensive workout. You burn more calories since your whole body's involved. You adjust the speed, typically choosing anywhere from 1 to 12 miles per hour. You also control the incline with some models going all the way up to 15-degree angles.

Technology and Warranty Comparison: Stationary Bike Vs. Treadmill

Stationary Bike

Bikes tend to come with up to 30 workout programs. However, something like the Peloton bike gives you access to exclusive workouts led by trainers to really get you in the zone. Bikes tend to monitor everything from distance to calories, and you're generally protected for a lifetime on the frame. You may get up to 7 years on other parts and labor.


Treadmills also tend to come with up to 30 programs, some of which focus on heart health while others improve your endurance. You can monitor your distance, calories, speed, and everything else from the console. Some even come with built-in speakers, so you can plug in your MP3 player to listen to music as you exercise. Treadmills also usually have lifetime warranties on the frames, and some of the higher-end models may provide you with 10 years of coverage on parts and labor.

Stationary Bike Pros & Cons


  • Low-impact exercising
  • More affordable
  • Better for people with poor balance
  • Ability to multitask
  • Improves flexibility in ligaments and muscles


  • Doesn't help bones as much
  • Burns fewer calories
  • Not as much concentration on arms

Treadmill Pros & Cons


  • Ability to burn more calories
  • Variable workout programs
  • More accessories, such as speakers
  • Safety shut-off
  • Cushioning to protect joints


  • Greater impact on body
  • More pressure on lower back
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So, Which Should You Choose?

So should you purchase a bike or a treadmill? Both offer great cardio, and ultimately, it comes down to whatever you feel most comfortable with. Bikes allow you to sit, which is great for older users and people recovering from injuries. Treadmills allow you to give your upper-body a workout just as much as your legs.

Bikes are also great for people who live in small spaces, like apartments. They don't have as large of a footprint, and they're much easier to move. They also tend to be quieter since there's no motor, so people you live with may appreciate a bike at the end of the day.

Meanwhile, treadmills are good for individuals who want to move their arms as well. When you combine jogging with a slight incline, you also end up burning far more calories than you would on a bike even with greater resistance. For those looking to lose weight, treadmills may be the way to go.

Shop For Your Perfect Stationary Bike & Treadmill, Today!

Whether a stationary bike is a better fit for you, or you prefer the benefits a treadmill has to offer, the options to buy these are endless (and a little overwhelming). Fortunately, we've done the work for you. We've researched high and low and found the best pricing for each of these exercise machines to be on Amazon!

Get a stationary bike and treadmill here, today!